Say goodbye to spreadsheets, say hello to ReadiNow No-Code BCM

  • 17 Nov 2020
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From BCI Corporate Partner: ReadiNow

ReadiNow is BCI’s 2020 APAC Innovation Award winner.

COVID 19 tested everyone’s business continuity processes, and many Business Resilience professionals using spreadsheets experienced issues like:

  • Activation of continuity plans required hours/days.
  • Coordinating, contacting and chasing people took longer than planned.
  • Searching for spreadsheets and documents delayed response times.
  • Being ‘reactive’ was quicker than referring to a business continuity plan.

Beyond the inefficiencies of working with spreadsheets, COVID 19 also highlighted other challenges like:

  • Incomplete understanding of business dependencies. As a result, organisations lacked a ‘Plan B’ if a dependency was no longer available.
  • Incomplete understanding of the connection between business services and processes. For example, did you correctly identify the dependencies in your revenue generating processes? Did you lose revenue due to delayed recovery times?
  • Inability to forecast the severity of a business impact due to dependency disruptions.

Spreadsheets are a 51-year-old technology and were not built for Business Continuity. This is where ReadiNow’s no-code BCM platform comes in.

What is ReadiNow No-Code Platform?

Users of GRC software know that ‘out-of-the-box' is great to start with, but changes are always needed to keep up with the organisation’s maturity. Your options are generally to make configuration changes (which are costly and make future upgrades challenging) or look for a new solution.

ReadiNow’s No-Code technology was designed to remove all these barriers. If your BCM processes are spreadsheet based, or you are using a legacy software, with ReadiNow No-Code BCM you can:

  • Start using our out-of-the-box BCM module.
  • Easily migrate your existing registers, plans, etc.
  • Run disruption modelling analysis
  • Digitalise your entire BCM process, from value chain analysis to activation of plans.

This detailed description will introduce you to ReadiNow’s No-Code technology, and how you can use it to move away from spreadsheets. In 2020 ReadiNow was awarded by BCI the 2020 Innovation Award.
