BCI Statement on Organizational Resilience  

At the BCI we promote a more resilient world. Through the professionalism of our communities, the strength of our relationships, the quality of our education, the breadth of our knowledge and depth of our shared insight, together we will build a world where every organisation is resilient.

Business continuity professionals need to work alongside those from other management disciplines towards the overall goal of building and improving organizational resilience.

  • We understand that Resilience is a quality within organizations which allows them to manage crises and disruption to operations, resist sudden shocks and adapt to changes.
  • Resilience enables organizations to get to where they want to go (strategy) and do so in the manner they desire (reputation, preservation of value).
  • Business continuity is one of the key management disciplines that are essential for building and improving organizational resilience
  • Best practice requires increased collaboration, an understanding of networked risks, and greater flexibility
  • Business continuity professionals should take opportunities to:
    • Become more aware of high level goals;
    • Adopt inter-disciplinary and cross functional engagement
    • Understand risks that may be overlooked by traditional practice
    • Increase adaptive capacity and agility
    • Provide leadership.

Defining organizational resilience

Organizational resilience is defined as:‘the ability of an organization to absorb and adapt in a changing environment’. (ISO 22316:2017 Organizational resilience – Principles and attributes – published in 2017)

The British Guidance on organizational resilience standard defines it as: “the ability of an organization to anticipate, prepare for, and respond and adapt to incremental change and sudden disruptions in order to survive and prosper”. (BS 65000:2014)

Introduction to Organizational Resilience

Find out how this collaborative approach can help your organization anticipate risks and respond effectively to threats and opportunities.


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