BCI 日本支部 2019 年度第 2 回定例会 開催報告 (26 Sep. 2019)

  • 18 Oct 2019
  • Kuniyuki

BCI 日本支部は、2019 年 9 月 26 日に大阪にて 2019 年度第 2 回目の定例会を開催しました。

BCI Japan Chapter held the second regular meeting at 26 Sep. 2019 at Osaka. It was the first meet at Osaka as the event of the Japan Chapter, there were many active discussions at the meeting.

1. Good Practice Guidelines 2018 年版 勉強会 / Study meeting of the GPG 2018 Edition

会合の前半は、まず日本支部事務局の田代より、Good Practice Guidelines 2018 年版の要点や、2013 年版からの変更点について解説した後、参加者同士の意見交換を行いました。
(この内容は 7 月に東京で行われた第 1 回定例会と同じですので、資料の掲載は省略させていただきます。)

The first part of the meeting was a lecture of the GPG provided by Kuniyuki Tashiro MBCI, a committee member of the Japan Chapter. He explained the outline of the GPG and change from 2013 Edition, then discussed with the attendees.

2. 今後の日本支部の活動について / Future activities of the Japan Chapter

日本支部としては数年ぶりの会合であり、かつ大阪における開催は初めてということで、会員の皆様の要望を把握できていない状況でしたので、今後の活動内容に関して出席者の皆様のご意見をお伺いしました。最も多かった要望は次の 2 つでした。

- CBCI 試験の受験や資格取得に関するサポート。
- 日本では災害復旧計画、BCP、BCM などが混同されており、これが BCM の普及を妨げる原因となっているので、このような基本的な概念などを広く一般に理解していただくような活動(例えばオープンセミナーなど)。


We discussed future activities of the Japan Chapter because the chapter committee didn't know the expectation of the members for our activities since it was the first regular meeting at Osaka. The following items were figured out from the attendees as their expectation for future activities of the Japan Chapter, then the chapter committee will consider them;

- Support for taking CBCI examination and getting certified
- Public awareness activity (e.g. open seminars) to explain difference between business continuity and disaster recovery because majority in Japanese industry are misunderstood that and it distubs spreading BCM

About the author

Kuniyuki Tashiro

Consultant, Office SRC, LLC

Kuniyuki Tashiro is an independent consultant, who has experience consulting on business continuity management and risk management in Japan since 2005. He provides consulting service for various industries, especially he is an expert for business continuity of manufacturing companies. He also work for BCM awareness raising activities as seminars and workshops especially for small and medium enterprises. BCI Asia Awards – BCM Consultant of the Year 2013, and Industry Personality 2019 and 2018
