BCI Competency Framework

The BCI is pleased to announce the launch of the BCI Competency Framework, which will complement the long-established Good Practice Guidelines (GPG).
The BCI Competency Framework defines the professional standards needed to be an effective business continuity practitioner at every career stage. It is a tool to help individuals advance as professionals, to help employers develop resilience capability through workforce planning and development, and to give society confidence in the resilience profession.
The BCI Competency Framework has been created in consultation with many BCI stakeholders to reflect the needs of individual business continuity professionals and their employers.
The BCI Competency Framework builds on traditional business continuity competencies contained in the Good Practice Guidelines by introducing additional competencies that are essential for effective business continuity & resilience professionals such as leadership, ethics & values and working with others.
The BCI Competency Framework will also be used by the BCI to make informed decisions about individuals’ membership levels, develop professional qualifications and provide member services that support practitioners at all career stages.
BCI Chair, Tim Janes Hon FBCI, commented “I see the BCI Competency Framework as a step change in the continuing development of the business continuity profession. It responds to the emerging reality that BCI members now come from many different backgrounds and possess diverse skills and experience. The Competency Framework will enable all BCI members and employing organisations to validate existing capabilities, and to identify the relevant technical, management and leadership proficiency needed to support a progressive career in business continuity and resilience.''
BCI Executive Director, David Thorp, commented “A competency framework is the mark of maturity of a profession; it shows that a clear and defined set of attributes and abilities (competencies) can be recognised and demonstrated in those who are recognised to be professionals and can be used as a benchmark for those who aspire to become professionals. For a professional body the competency framework underpins everything – education, continuous professional development, membership levels – that are its reason for existing.”