Exercise Boston Common - debrief report

After the success of previous exercises run during Business Continuity Awareness Week (Exercise Bravo Charlie 2016, Exercise Broken Crown 2017, Exercise Battle Creek 2018, and Exercise Blue Chip 2019), South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue (SYFR) decided to host another exercise during BCAW 2021 called Exercise Boston Common.
This national exercise took place during BCAW between the 17th and 21st May 2021 and was open to participation from any organisation that has access to the UK government's ResilienceDirect website.
The exercise ran throughout the week on ResilienceDirect with injects being released each day to progress the scenario. Each organisation could participate to whatever level their workload would allow.
The exercise planning team and exercise control was run by two members of the SYFR Resilience, Planning & Contingencies department.
The information used to write this debrief report has been taken from observations the exercise planning team made during the exercise and the feedback requested after the exercise (16 feedback forms were received).