Panel Discussion: The impact of Fake News & Disinformation on Business Continuity

  • 10 Sep 2021
  • Rachael,  Charlie,  Jim,  Evita,  Roger
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Please note that this panel discussion and Live Q&A session  are exclusive to BCI Members only.

If you are a BCI Member, please login into your website account to access the content and register for the event. 

We have gathered  five experts in the fields of BC, Resilience, and Crisis Management, Journalism, and Corporate Communications to discuss the very much talked about topic of 'Fake News'.  In this exciting panel discussion we will explore the concept & definition of Fake News, how it can be a risks to organizations, and how we can integrate it within the Business Continuity Plans. 

This panel will touch on a wide-range of examples and real-life case studies and will provide different regional/cultural pespectives on the topic. 

Moderator: Rachael Elliott, Head of Thought Leadership, The BCI

  • Jim Preen, Director at YUDU Sentinel
  • Charlie Maclean-Bristol, CEO, PlanB Consulting
  • Roger Christie, Managing Director, Propel Group
  • Evita Francis, Vice President, Business Resilience MENA, Marsh

Login into your website profile to watch the Live Q&A session that took place on 17th September 2021


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