Result of November 2024 BCI Board Election

We are pleased to announce that Alice Kaltenmark has been elected as a global board director following the November 2024 board election.
We warmly congratulate Alice, who has generously dedicated her time to the BCI as a previous Leader of the USA Chapter and the Cyber Resilience Special Interest Group. Alice is a recognised business resilience expert with over 20 years of professional experience in the information solutions industry and over 40 years in IT.
In her new role as board director, Alice will help guide the BCI's strategic direction and policy decisions, provide oversight of business plans, key priorities, and budget management. She will also represent the interests of the BCI at external events and be responsible for ensuring that the BCI serves the needs of its members.
Alice said:
I am honoured and grateful to be elected to the BCI global board of directors. I am excited to leverage my years of experience leading the USA Chapter and the Cyber Resilience SIG to help lead the BCI forward in our dynamic and evolving field of resilience management. I am committed to our mission of enabling a more resilient world by ensuring that the BCI adapts and evolves its guidance, thought leadership, and operations to meet and exceed the needs of our members.
Alice replaces Heather Merchan (MBCI) who has completed her allotted tenure as a BCI board member and current Chair. Heather said:
“Many congratulations to Alice Kaltenmark on being elected by the voting members to the BCI Board. It is always a humbling experience when a member is elected to the Board, and Alice is truly deserving of this honour. She has excellent governance and leadership experience and has been an active volunteer and contributor to the BCI and the wider profession for many years.
Having previously worked with Alice on the BCI USA Chapter organising committee, I am thrilled to see that she will assume an active Board role as I step away. I am confident that she will protect the best interests of the BCI, uphold good governance, complement the current board skillset, and provide the necessary rigour and challenge to ensure the health and evolution of the institute.”
Current vice chair Glen Redstall (FBCI) looks forward to collaborating with Alice and added his congratulations. He said:
“I'd like to congratulate Alice on her election to the BCI Board. I've known Alice for a number of years through BCI volunteer networks and know that she's a great advocate for our industry and the BCI. I look forward to working with Alice over the next two years and know that she'll be committed to achieving great outcomes.”
The BCI would like to thank everyone who entered the elections for the Board of Directors and for all members who took the time to vote.