The impact of the Arabic Good Practice Guidelines (GPG) in Saudi Arabia

The Good Practice Guidelines 7.0 (GPG) is a guide that supports practitioners in implementing business continuity and resilience in their organizations, and forms part of the BCI’s training and certification journey.
The translation of the GPG into Arabic has made this guide accessible to all Arabic-speaking professionals and marks a significant advancement for business continuity and resilience efforts in Saudi Arabia. By removing language barriers, local practitioners can adopt best practices more effectively and work towards gaining certification.
BCI Saudi Arabia Chapter Leader Atiq Bajwa said:
“The Arabic translation provides Saudi Arabia’s business continuity practitioners with access to globally recognised best practices in their native language, which makes it easier to understand and implement effectively. This enhances their ability to develop robust business continuity plans and resilience strategies, ultimately strengthening the overall preparedness and response capabilities within their organizations and communities.”
Vice Leader Mohamed Hassan Ahmad said:
“The translation of the guidelines ensures they are understood and applied in a practical and effective manner by Saudi organizations”.
The Arabic GPG in action
The introduction of the Arabic GPG has supported business continuity and resilience planning in Arabic speaking countries, ensuring professionals have access to both English and native language guidelines for convenience.
Leader Atiq Bajwa said:
“I have spoken to several business continuity and resilience professionals and almost all of them have applauded the BCI’s effort in making the GPG available in Arabic. Particularly, the professionals working in the government sector have found it more helpful as the official language for all government entities in Saudi Arabia is predominantly Arabic”.
Using the GPG in Chapter events
The BCI Saudi Arabia Chapter launched in April 2024. This active Chapter has strong leadership and a committee of experts committed to good practice and bridging gaps in local business continuity and resilience practices, as well as offering a platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and professional growth. In the future, Chapter leadership plans to discuss the GPG and the benefits to Saudi Arabia’s business continuity professionals.
Leader Atiq Bajwa said:
“Discussing the GPG is one of our highest priorities during Chapter meetings, as it has the potential to significantly improve our comprehension and application of business continuity principles. It would be beneficial to investigate the most effective methods for implementing these guidelines within our local context and to share best practices among members.”