Office SRC, LLC

  • Tokyo, Japan

The company was established in 2020 by Kuniyuki Tashiro FBCI who has 15 years’ experience of business continuity consulting and research for related area. In three years of its business activity, the company provided various kinds of professional services including consulting, trainings, and exercises for companies in many industries and also local governments. On the other hand, the company also shared knowledge and information related to business continuity through various media including website and YouTube to push many Japanese companies (especially SMEs) up to walk into business continuity.


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Meet the instructors
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    Kuniyuki Tashiro


    Kuniyuki Tashiro is an independent consultant, who has experience consulting on business continuity management and risk management in Japan since 2005. He provides consulting service for various industries, especially he is an expert for business continuity of manufacturing companies. He also work for BCM awareness raising activities as seminars and workshops especially for small and medium enterprises. BCI Asia Awards – BCM Consultant of the Year 2013, and Industry Personality 2019 and 2018

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