BCI Italy Chapter fireside chat

  • 16 Apr 2024
  • , 5:30 PM (CEST)

To register for this event please log into your BCI website profile. If you do not have a website profile, please register here.  Please note that you don't have to be a BCI Member to attend this webinar/event and that by registering for a BCI website profile you are not applying for a BCI Membership.

This is a fireside chat event for BCI Italy Chapter Members, the event will be condicted in Italian. Members can discuss business continuity management topics, share experiences, best practices, and ask about current interests or topics. The aim of the session is to increase professional networking in a friendly environment. 

During these monthly sessions, participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences, ask questions and discuss the most important topics in the field of business continuity management, it's a great opportunity for members to connect and learn from other industry professionals. In these firside chat sessions, the discussions will be guided by the topics presented by each participant, everyone is invited to contribute with maximum freedom and respect for each other.

Participation in the fireside chat is open to all members who speak Italian and are interested in participating. These sessions offer an informal and welcoming environment to share knowledge, network and broaden your skills in the field of business continuity management. We are excited to launch this initiative and invite all members who speak Italian to participate in these monthly events. Stay tuned for further details on dates and topics of upcoming sessions. For any questions or clarification feel free to contact us.

Siamo entusiasti di annunciare, come board del BCI Italy Chapter, l’attivazione di una nuova modalità di networking. Vi invitiamo alla prima sessione di incontri mensili informali chiamati 'Fireside Chat', durante i quali i nostri membri avranno l'opportunità di connettersi, condividere esperienze, porre domande e discutere temi chiave nel campo del business continuity management.

Le sessioni avranno come tema gli argomenti proposti dai partecipanti, tutti sono invitati a contribuire liberamente e nel totale rispetto reciproco. La partecipazione è aperta a tutti coloro che parlano italiano e desiderano approfondire le proprie conoscenze nel settore della continuità aziendale.

Le Fireside Chat offriranno un ambiente accogliente e informale per condividere conoscenze, entrare a far parte della community e migliorare le proprie competenze nel settore della business continuity management.

Vi invitiamo caldamente a partecipare a questa nuova esperienza di networking nel campo del business continuity management, con l'entusiasmo di costruire insieme la community di professionisti della business continuity.

Grazie per il vostro supporto e la vostra partecipazione. Vi auguriamo un buon networking a tutti!

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