The Cyber Session

  • 10:00 - 15:00
  • 5 Oct 2021
  • Daisy House,1 Brindley Road, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M16 9TR, Manchester, United Kingdom

To register for this event please log in to your BCI website profile. If you do not have a website profile, please register here.  Please note that you don't have to be a BCI Member to attend this webinar/event and that by registering for a BCI website profile you are not applying for a BCI membership.

The BCI North West Chapter are delighted to invite you to their next event!

As we all know Cyber attacks have a massive impact on all organisations, and it has become a key resilience topic in the Business Continuity World.

Ensure you stay up to date and learn from cyber experts who will explain how it relates to your role. 
How should BC professionals should get involved with the IT Security teams and influence the response?

Make sure you become (and remain) a key part of the picture and ensure your organisation has the best possible responses to cyber attack.
Learn from some of the top people in the industry with real life experiences of dealing and preventing cyber attacks. 

This event is being hosted by Daisy and will be open to any BCI member or guest who wishes to attend. On the day the hosts will ask that delegates observe government guidance and maintain 1 metre + social distancing but no other restrictions will be mandated. On the day if you are displaying symptoms of illness, are isolating or have tested positive for Covid in the previous 10 days then we would ask you not to attend.

We look forward to welcoming you!


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