BCI Global Awards 2022 Winner Spotlight: Thomas Bennett MBCI

We are pleased to introduce Thomas Bennett, winner of the 2022 BCI Continuity & Resilience Professional (Public Sector) Global Award. In this short article, we share his career journey and his experience in entering and winning both a BCI Regional and Global award.
After leaving a career in freight and logistics, Thomas went to Coventry University to study the Development of Health and Disaster Management (BSc). He was then employed by Herts County Council as a Flood Emergency Planning Officer. His next post was taken at Bedfordshire County Council and Bedford Borough Council as Resilience Manager, where he became the lead for flooding, the Control of Major Accident Hazard (COMAH) site, mass fatalities, and eventually Business Continuity. He developed emergency plans and ran joint exercises with other Cat 1 and 2 responders. He also trained and coached senior management in the Command and Control structure.
After gaining experience in a few major and minor incidents, Thomas was awarded the Fellowship of the EPS. He also designed and managed the Business Continuity Management (BCM) programme and became chairman of the Bedfordshire Business Continuity Awareness Group.
Thomas believes that the BCI is a prestigious organization with a renowned global reputation for Business Continuity excellence, bringing together the leading minds and forward thinkers in various Business Continuity streams. In terms of entering the BCI Awards (and winning), he says, “it enhances my reputation as a Business Continuity professional, which is good as I will be looking for a new post come August.” He also adds, “for my organization it gives our stakeholders assurance that the BCM programme is being run to a high standard.”
For those looking to enter the BCI Awards for 2023, Thomas advises you to “take your time and start early. Mention all the great things you’ve done and ask your references to highlight your major achievements with honesty and integrity. Read the BCI’s instructions thoroughly and complete each section fully. To enter isn’t easy because you will be up against stiff competition, so trust in your own experience. It takes time to complete the submission but it is well worth the effort. Even to be nominated is a real honour. To win the regional award was a great thrill but to win the Global Award was truly a fantastic experience.”
The BCI Regional Awards 2023 are now available to enter!
You can now enter your nomination for the BCI Regional Awards. There are 13 award categories available for each region that cater for professionals/consultants, teams, and/or organizations. This is an exciting opportunity to showcase and gain a prestigious recognition for your work and stand out in the Business Continuity & Resilience industry.
Follow the links below to learn more about the application process, the judges and more. If you are ready to submit your nomination, the please click here.